When stars collide and oceans roar
The world’s a tempest-tossed shore
This wild discord we must tame….

(Verse 1)
In ancient lands where legends dwell
A tale of might, a cosmic spell
A goddess stands with sword held high
Her hounds beside her, loyal and spry

(Verse 2)
The mighty bull, once proud and strong
Now falters as the night grows long
The lady’s blade gleams in the light
A symbol of the coming night

Order! Order!
Order prevails
Order! Order!
prevails over Chaos

(Verse 3)
Three faithful hounds, guardians true
One sleeps now ‘neath the morning dew
Yet still they aid their mistress fair
As she moves with graceful air

(Verse 4)
The bull’s wild spirit starts to wane
As order seeks to break its chain
The goddess’ strength shall soon prevail
And write anew the cosmic tale

Order! Order!
Order prevails
Order! Order!
prevails over Chaos

Bandia na h-òrdugh, làidir ‘s glic,
Tarbh an t-saoghail, a’ strì ris.
Cothrom ùr a’ tighinn gu luath,
Sìth is òrdugh, ‘s iad a’ buain.

(Chorus x2)
Order! Order!
Order prevails
Order! Order!
prevails over Chaos

In “Echoes of the Ancient Grove”, we explore not only the mythological figures and rituals of the past but also the universal themes that resonate through time. This piece focuses on the eternal struggle between order and chaos, a central theme in many ancient cultures, inspired by the base plate of the Gundestrup Cauldron. The plate depicts a goddess, assisted by three animals, one seemingly dead, in conflict with a wounded bull.


Our interpretation of this image portrays a confrontation between primordial forces: the goddess represents order and rationality, while the bull symbolizes chaos and brute strength. The song captures this clash through a crescendo of sounds and atmospheres, culminating in the affirmation that order ultimately prevails.

This song aims to convey a spiritual dimension of conflict, suggesting that the triumph of order is part of a cosmic process. It highlights the timeless struggle between opposing forces, symbolizing a universal balance where chaos and order coexist.

  • Primordial Chaos: the song opens with a depiction of primordial chaos: “when stars collide and oceans roar / the world’s a tempest-tossed shore“, a force that must be controlled. This introduction quickly transitions to the representation of the goddess and the bull, describing a goddess “with sword held high” and a bull that “falters as the night grows long“, symbolizing a force to be tamed.
  • The Three Dogs: the three loyal dogs assisting the goddess, even though one is asleep or dying, represent loyalty and support. They are described as “guardians true” aiding their mistress.
  • Night and Day:the lady’s blade gleams in the light / a symbol of the coming night” introduces a duality of light and darkness. The established order is portrayed as a “coming night“, bringing with it a sense of triumph and control.
  • The Gaelic Bridge: this language, as in other songs, adds a layer of spiritual and cultural depth, reconnecting the listener to Celtic culture and its roots.

The Musical Atmosphere
The piece opens with a classically dynamic orchestral introduction, which quickly transitions into a powerful power metal surge with electric guitars, creating a contrast that mirrors the struggle between the two forces. The melody, enriched with strings and brass, is designed to convey positivity, as order ultimately triumphs over chaos. The chorus, supported by majestic vocals, emphasizes the certainty and cosmic necessity of this victory, serving as a mantra and highlighting its profound spiritual resonance.

This song is a musical representation of the Gundestrup Cauldron’s plate, exploring the eternal conflict between order and chaos. Through evocative lyrics and powerful sounds, we aim to craft a sonic experience that celebrates the triumph of the goddess over the bull. The track serves as a tribute to ancient wisdom and the ongoing quest for balance in the universe, symbolically paving the way for the final piece, Endless Dark.

Ahenum Antiquae SapentiaeCernunnosThe Great Wild HuntOver Time, Over Death, Over SpaceTaranisGundestrupToutatisWhen Order PrevailsEndless Dark
