Protege animas in silva eterna
(Dìon an anaman sa choille shìorraidh)

Custodi eos in regno umbrarum
(Fìon iad ann an rìoghachd nan sgàil)
Protege animas in silva eterna
(Dìon an anaman sa choille shìorraidh)
Duc eos trans mare
(Treòraich iad thar a’ chuain)
Protege animas in silva eterna
Protege animas in silva eterna
Protege animas in silva eterna
(Dìon an anaman sa choille shìorraidh)
Custodi eos in regno umbrarum
(Fìon iad ann an rìoghachd nan sgàil)
Protege animas in silva eterna
(Dìon an anaman sa choille shìorraidh)
Duc eos trans mare
(Treòraich iad thar a’ chuain)

This piece is a kind of invocation, a sonic portal that introduces you to the ancient and mystical world we have tried to recreate in ‘Echoes of the Ancient Grove’.

The title itself, ‘Ahenum Antiquae Sapientiae’, is a Latin combination meaning ‘The Cauldron of Ancient Wisdom’. The cauldron, as we mentioned before, is a powerful symbol for us, a vessel of knowledge and transformation, and a direct reference to the Gundestrup cauldron. This track thus serves as a key to understanding the entire album, laying the foundation for the themes that will be explored later.

Lyrics and Languages
The text is a repetitive litany, a mantra that merges with the music, creating a hypnotic atmosphere. The phrases are presented in two different languages, Latin and Gaelic, an element that is fundamental for us in expressing the complexity and cultural richness of the Celtic world, as well as giving a sense of belonging to that world.

The repetition of the phrase “protege animas in silva eterna” emphasizes the importance of the forest as a sacred place, a refuge and passage point for souls. The verse “custodi eos in regno umbrarum” evokes the mystery of the spirit world, while “duc eos trans mare” suggests a journey, a transition into the unknown. The sea, in particular, is a symbol of passage between worlds, a recurring element in Celtic legends.

The Musical Atmosphere
From a musical perspective, we chose a minimalist and atmospheric approach for this track. The music is designed to create a ritualistic atmosphere, almost a sonic prayer, where instruments and choirs function to convey the idea of an ancient and mystical world, a world where nature is sacred and spirits are everywhere. In the central part of the track, a more modern and powerful metal sound alternates, thus recalling the concept of connection between past and present.

“Ahenum Antiquae Sapientiae” is, therefore, an invitation to let go, to immerse oneself in a sonic experience that goes beyond words. It is a track that prepares the listener for what will follow, introducing them to a universe of myths, legends, and deep reflections on natural cycles.

Ahenum Antiquae SapentiaeCernunnosThe Great Wild HuntOver Time, Over Death, Over SpaceTaranisGundestrupToutatisWhen Order PrevailsEndless Dark
